During certain times of the day, calls pour in nonstop. The caller has to worry about when it’s the right or wrong time to call. That requires changing his or her schedule just to make a single call. It’s more convenient to provide 24/7 live answering services to your customers, so a representative is always there without any delays or problems.
No Holds
When you call certain, popular businesses, you get placed on hold if you call during their busiest times of the day or year. Some holds last for 30 to 40 minutes, and for most people, the wait seems that it’ll never end.
More Convenience
Calling into a 24/7 business gives you more time to make calls. There’s no need to worry about changing your schedule or looking up the company’s business hours. You can call late at night or very early in the morning, get connected to a representative and receive immediate service.
No Messages
Most callers don’t want to be stuck with answering machines. They call businesses to get real service from a real human. No one wants to leave a message and wait for a phone call, which may never come when it’s more efficient to call another number and get immediate service.
No Automated Call Agents

Many people prefer not to work with robotic call center agents. First, they are limited in their abilities. There are only so many ways that a machine can solve your problem, and the more complex it is, the more you benefit from talking to a human.
A live answering service guarantees that you avoid leaving messages on answering machines and talking to robots over the phone. You’re guaranteed at least one real, live and experienced person to talk to.
Lack of Need for Services
Despite its benefits, a 24/7 live answering service is not needed by all types of callers. Most people work and have to wake up early in the mornings, so they don’t stay up late and especially don’t make phone calls to businesses. They will not find any need in using a 24/7 phone line unless there was an emergency. They see no major differences in a service that runs during regular business hours and one that runs nonstop.
Types of Operators
The types of operators are important to many callers. It doesn’t help the business’s image when foreign-born operators are answering the phone from somewhere in Asia or the Middle East. The business seems that they’re more interested in saving money than tending to the needs of their native customers. For any 24/7 live answering service, it’s more effective to have U.S.-born customer representatives.
Whether you’re calling an online school or a local salon, it’s important that you deal with a 24/7 small business answering service. There’s more convenience for the customers and more customers for businesses. The work starts by finding the right company to handle the callers responsibly. Contact Endicott at (800) 947-3227 to learn more about their certified 24/7 live answering services.