Should You Outsource Your Business Communications to an Answering Service?

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Hiring an answering service to handle your communications is a simple yet significant form of outsourcing. Improve your business today.

Many forward-thinking businesses tap outsourcing to accomplish more, do it faster, and do it at a lower cost. One readily available form of outsourcing is often overlooked, however. Business communications. Yes, you can outsource your phone and digital communications to an answering service.

When you outsource your business communications to an answering service, here are some of the outcomes you can expect:



The first benefit of using an answering service is saving time. And don’t we all want to save time? Time is limited, with only twenty-four hours in the day. It seems we never have enough time to do the things we need to do, let alone the things we want to do. Although a ringing telephone may represent new business, it’s also an interruption from something that may be even more important. An answering service saves you time when they answer your ringing phone.

Expand Availability: Most businesses are open eight to nine hours a day, Monday through Friday. Some extend their hours of operation into the early evening or include Saturdays. But this still represents a fraction of the week. What happens to your ringing phone the rest of the time? By tapping the skills of an answering service, you expand your hours of operation for the around-the-clock demands of today’s modern consumer. With an answering service, you become a 24/7 business.

Increase Service Quality: Answering services specialize in providing professional communication. It’s what they do. Quality becomes their focus. Regardless of how much attention you give to providing professional, quality service to your customers, today’s modern answering service can match what you provide, and will usually surpass it. This isn’t a negative reflection on your staff, but it is the testament to the quality-minded focus that leading answering services possess.

Offer More Options: Today’s advanced answering services handle more than just phone calls. They can also manage email, respond to online contact forms, and provide web chat. Offering all these communication options stretch most small and medium-sized businesses, and even challenge some large ones. When an answering service is your communications partner, you can provide all these options 24/7, and do them with excellence.

Improve Customer Satisfaction: In today’s always-on economy, people expect results any time of the day or night, seven days a week. No longer are they content to wait until regular business hours to contact you. They want answers, and they want them now. And when you meet their expectation, their satisfaction with your company increases. Yes, your answering service is a key element in improving customer satisfaction.

Grow Your Bottom Line: When you combine these elements, the result is increased efficiency and improved outcomes. These trickle down your income statement and improve your bottom line. When you use outsource answering services, the result is increased profits. And isn’t this ultimately why you’re in business?

So, should you outsource your business communications to an answering service? The answer is a resounding, yes! When you outsource your business communications to an advanced answering service, you will save time, expand availability, increase service quality, offer more options, improve customer service satisfaction, and grow your bottom line.


With offices across the United States and decades of experience, outsource answering service from Endicott Communications can help you enhance your communications with your customers and callers. Click here to learn more.