To maximize your phone communications, take a fresh look at answering services and outsource solutions.
Telephone answering services do more than just take messages. When you outsource your phone communication needs to answering service, here are some of the outcomes you can expect:
Answer Your Phone: First on the list of the things an outsource answering service can do for you is the most obvious. They will answer your phone. Once they’ve done that, the most common expectation is they’ll take a message. Each message will include all the information you asked them to obtain, such as the caller’s name, phone number, and best time for you to return the call, along with the message.
Once your answering service has taken a message, they will provide it to you when and how you request. They can send it to you by email or text, they can record the information voicemail for you to retrieve later, or they can do any number of things, according to requirements.
However, not every call warrants taking message. Sometimes callers seek for information, and your answering service can provide it. In other instances, you may want your answering service to screen your calls. Depending on the situation they could connect the caller to you, take a message, refer them to anothe
r resource.
The key is that answering services customize their work to meet your needs, expectations, and workflow. In this starts when the answer your phone.
Enhance Your Image: However, it’s important to realize that answering services do more than just answer your phone. They’re trained professionals, well-versed in customer service skills and advanced communication techniques. They know how to make a great impression on your callers.
The result is that an outsource answering service will enhance your company’s image, making a professional, personable, and proficient impression on callers. A voicemail system can’t do that. Neither can an answering machine.
Increase Your Availability: In addition to enhancing your image, an outsource answering service will also increase your availability. Answering services are available around-the-clock. And since they never close, you’ll never have to either.
When your employees go home, your answering service continues to work on your behalf. With an outsource answering service, your company is available to your customers 24/7, even if your office isn’t.
Improve Your Customer Service: With an enhanced image and increased availability, the obvious outcome is improved customer service. Isn’t this what your customers want? If your callers reach out to you with a question or problem, they expect you to handle it. And with your answering service working with you, that’s exactly what will happen.
What if you’re competition does not have an answering service to provide professional customer service to their callers? Those customers will hang up and try other companies until someone helps them. And when you outsource your calls to an answering service, that’s exactly what will happen. You win, and the caller wins.
Delight Your Customers: When you combine these together, the result is happy customers, delighted customers. And when you delight your customers, two things will happen. First, they remain your customers for a long time. Second, they will tell others about you. And referrals are the best form of marketing.
With all the benefits offered by an answering service beyond answering your phone—enhancing your image, increasing your availability, improving your customer service, and the delighting your customers—there’s no reason not to outsource your telephone communications to them. While
With offices across the United States and decades of experience, outsource answering service from Endicott can help you enhance your communications with your customers and callers. Click here to learn more.