Small business owners sometimes choose to use their personal cell phones as their company phones because they think that doing so is more affordable. There are several reasons why using your cell phone as your business phone may do harm to your company. Instead of using your personal cell phone for your company, it is a better idea for you to opt for an answering service instead.
Dropped or missed calls
Everyone who has a cell phone occasionally has to deal with dropped or missed calls. While this can be annoying in your personal life, it can cause damage to your business. Potential customers who are unable to reach your business may grow frustrated and move on to the next business instead. If a call drops, your customer might think that you hung up on him or her. Dropped or missed calls do not give your business the professional image that you want and may lead to a loss of customers. If you have an answering service, you will eliminate the problem of dropped or missed calls.
Signal issues
Cellular signals are sometimes spotty, meaning that you will not always have the reception that you need to accept calls. During peak business hours, your signal may be weak at multiple times during the day. This gives a poor impression of your business. When people attempt to call you, they should be able to get through every time. An answering service allows your business to receive every call that is made to the business so that you don’t miss any calls because of signal problems.
Interrupting customers to take other calls
When you use a personal cell phone for your company and are on a call, you might have to interrupt the customer you are helping to take an incoming call. Personal cell phones do not have the company features on which people rely. People do not like being interrupted. If you constantly have to interrupt customers to take other calls, you risk losing potential and existing customers. When you have an answering service, you can make certain all of your callers’ needs are promptly, courteously and fully addressed, which can help you to retain your existing customers and to attract new ones.
Using personal cell phones risks security
When you and your employees use personal cell phones to conduct business, it can cause several security problems. Mixing personal and business uses together on your smartphones makes your business information less secure. Hackers may be able to access your smartphones and steal your companies sensitive data. If you and your employees are having confidential business conversations while out in public, the information can easily be overheard by others. An answering service solves this issue by keeping your business’s information confidential and protected.
Work-life balance problems
If you use your personal cell phone as your business phone, you will run into the problem of never feeling like you are off from work. You may find yourself being forced to answer calls at inopportune times. Not having a good separation between work and home can quickly lead to burnout. If your employees feel like they have to take calls when they are off, you may face higher turnover rates and the costs that are associated with them. Customers might also be turned off if you answer your phone in the same way that you answer personal calls.
How an answering service can help your business
A professional answering service is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. If you have an answering service instead of using your personal cell phone as your business phone, you can enjoy the following benefits:
- No missed or dropped calls
- Customers reach live people who are professional and courteous
- 24/7 availability
- Regain control over your life
- Better customer service outcomes
No matter the size of your business, protecting your business reputation is highly important. Reputational damage to your brand can lead to losses and may cause substantial harm to your business. By choosing an answering service, you can offer great customer service to your potential customers beginning with their initial calls. This can make your company seem much more professional and make people want to do business with you. To learn more about whether an answering service is right for your business, contact Endicott today by calling (800) 947-3227.