A receptionist is a must-have for any business. Receptionists take calls, schedule appointments, and often have a wide range of duties that span multiple departments. However, outsourcing receptionist duties can help your business succeed while keeping your in-house employees on task and focused on their own responsibilities. The virtual receptionist cost can be significantly lower than having one in-house.
You can improve your company’s gains using a call center’s virtual receptionist services. A virtual receptionist will take great stress off you and your in-house crew but will work more effectively and efficiently than the typical salaried receptionist. Below are five ways a virtual receptionist can help your business’s bottom line.
Eliminate the Need for a Full-Time Receptionist Salary
With a virtual receptionist, you do not need to hire a receptionist as part of your in-house staff. This will save you a great deal of money because you will not be paying for their salary or benefits such as:
- Receptionist’s salary or hourly rate.
- Receptionist’s employee benefits.
- Taxes on an employed receptionist.
While you will pay a call center for the services, the virtual receptionist cost will significantly benefit your company in the long run. Where a W2 employee would require an hourly or salaried pay rate plus benefits and taxes, a virtual receptionist would cost a fraction of that total.
Eliminate the Need for Training Costs
When you hire a new employee to work as your in-house receptionist, you must spend time training them. This costs the company money in any proprietary training materials or seminars you must purchase and in company time. Every hour spent training a new employee means time taken away from other opportunities for productivity.
- Virtual receptionists have their own equipment, including hardware and software. You do not have to spend money on a receptionist’s desk, phone, or computer system.
- Virtual receptionists will not take up precious office space in your business headquarters, saving you from the need to expand.
A virtual receptionist will already be highly trained and skilled in receptionist duties as soon as you use the service. If you are already using a call center for other services, your business needs, and processes. You can easily implement additional add-ons without breaking the bank on a virtual receptionist cost.
Eliminate Overhead Costs
Each employee on staff increases overhead costs. Overhead costs for a business include, but are not limited to:
- Utilities like water, electricity, gas, and more.
- Office space rent
- Insurance and legal fees
You will not be spending overhead costs like electricity or water on a receptionist’s area because a virtual receptionist will work in a separate location.
Eliminate the Need for Overtime
While you save money on in-house employee pay, you will also be saving money on overtime. Overtime pay can rack up quickly, but a virtual receptionist eliminates the need.
Virtual receptionists can work for you 24/7, meaning any calls for your company will always receive a live answer.
Reduced virtual receptionist cost and less overtime is excellent news for your company’s bank account and improvements for your customers. When customers can reach a receptionist at any time of day, they feel as though they can rely on your company to meet their needs.
Eliminate Wasted Time and Increase Productivity
You may consider forgoing a receptionist in favor of using your other employees to field phone calls. A virtual receptionist is a much better solution for several reasons.
- Taking the time to answer phone calls pulls your employees’ focus away from their primary duties. It takes time to get back on track after a call ends once your employee has become distracted.
- A receptionist is trained and can field calls quickly and efficiently. Your other employees have specific duties where they excel, but fielding calls may not be one of them. This can lead to calls lasting longer than necessary and frustrated callers getting transferred several times.
- Priority tasks fall by the wayside when calls continue to come in.
While you may think you are saving money by answering calls in-house, the time wasted on the phone drains your productivity. The loss of time and the added distractions waste company money. A virtual assistant is a much better choice as you can improve efficiency and save money. The virtual receptionist cost is much less than what you and your business can gain in the long run.
How Endicott’s Call Centers Can Improve Your Bottom Line
Endicott Call Centers is a national call center company with omnichannel services. We are fully equipped to help you with your business under any particular circumstances. We draw on decades of experience to help you make the right decisions for your business.
Request a quote or call 800-947-3227 to learn more about our custom solutions for creating exceptional customer service experiences for your clients. We’re happy to offer insight into what your customers seek from your company’s language offerings.